Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 2- Primary Fermentation

As you can see, the grape skin bag is now at the top of the bucket because the CO2 produced by the yeast is moving it up in the liquid. I will not do much today. I "punched down the cap" which is a fancy way of saying I pushed a sanitized spoon into the liquid to bring the grape skins below the surface. This ensures that they stay wet for multiple reasons. The most important of which is so they don't oxidize which could ruin the taste and odor of the wine and also promotes bacterial growth.

Of course I used a freshly sanitized stirring spoon as you see below for all of this:

With the cap punched down:

I also took a reading of the specific gravity and found out that today the SG of the solution is 1.086. It's dropping! Once it's below 1.010 it'll be time to move it into secondary fermentation in the airlocked carboy.

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